外愛嬌の、内そんぶり Soto-aikyou ni uchi-somburi.

  • 解釈:外では愛想がいいが、家では不機嫌な顔をしていること。内面(うち づら)の悪い人のこと。
  • Literal:Outside is charms and inside is ill-humored.
  • Interpretation:In outside, it is charms. In a house, it is non-sociability. The American kisses in front of others, and beats the wife in the private room. The Japanese strikes this in front of others, and it kisses in the private room.
  • Reference:The American kisses in front of others, and beats the wife in the private room. The Japanese strikes this in front of others, and it kisses in the private room. 「武士道/11克己」
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.